Friday, October 12, 2012

Sneaky E

Did you know that Sneaky E lurks around scaring all the short vowels into saying their name??? He does all this without ever making a sound!  This week we learned all about Sneaky E and all of his tricks!  I think this was a VERY memorable lesson for the kids!  Check out our fun!  The best part was that Miss Mathre NEVER even got to meet Sneaky E!  Every time she went to look for him he would appear in the classroom and then be gone before she got back! 

Spider Spectacular

We have been learning ALL about spiders!  We know so many cool facts it will blow you away!  Ask your favorite little spider expert what they know about spiders and prepare to be dazzled!  We did a science experiment and learned about why spiders don't stick to their webs.  For one, it would be like us stepping on a piece of bubble's sticky but not enough to hold us there.  They also have oil in their bodies to keep them from sticking.  We used SUPER sticky packing tape and touched it before and after dipping our finger in cooking oil.  Ask your spider expert how it turned out! 

We also made amazing hats and wrote several facts on the legs of our hats.  You could read your student's hat if you can get them to hold still long enough! ;)